Top 5 resolutions for 2023: Health at the turn of the year

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What to do for your health? In 2023, this will undoubtedly be an essential topic again regarding New Year’s resolutions. That’s why we have five particular keys for you that will be particularly good for your health next year and are still easy to implement, even with little time.

  1. Do 20 minutes of sport twice a week – It doesn’t always have to be a marathon. Twice a week for 20 minutes of exercise is enough to be much healthier and can be done even if you don’t have much free time.
  2. Sleep 7 to 8 hours regularly – Sleep is essential for our body’s regeneration and performance. Sure, you’ll always have shorter nights – but if you want a healthy start to the new year, you should get at least seven hours of sleep. To do so, turn off Netflix earlier or put down your cell phone from 8 p.m.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables – You don’t have to start a diet or lose weight right away – but if you want to start the new year healthier, you should eat vegetables and fruit regularly. Also, make sure to eat seasonally and regionally. A sugar detox can help you follow through with healthy eating as a New Year’s resolution.
  1. Take rest periods and schedule more time for yourself – From one meeting to the next, business trip or business dinner – you often function the whole week through. You and your own needs often fall by the wayside. To stay balanced and healthy, it is essential to have time for yourself and to find peace. It’s best to set aside a fixed time each week that’s just for you – and then do something good for you, such as meditation.
  2. Take a digital detox- Feeling caught out? Then it would be best if you urgently thought about setting Digital Detox as a resolution. If you spend too much time on your device, you may suffer from sleep disorders, concentration problems or even depression.
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